- Lake Protection Workbook, A Self-Assessment Tool for Shoreline Property Owners from Watersheds Canada
- A Shoreline Owner's Guide to Healthy Waterfronts, from the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations
Dock Replacement Considerations
Boater Etiquette
We believe that lakes should be:
- Safe for everyone who wants to use the lake every day; safe for swimmers and all types of motorized and human-powered craft. High speeds, oversized craft and excessive noise increase the risk for everyone.
- Quiet enough so that everyone can enjoy nature’s sounds, speak at normal voice levels and not be startled or awakened by intrusive noises.
- Sustainable environmentally so we can share this resource with future generations. Large wakes erode shorelines, loud noises disrupt wildlife and emissions damage the environment.
- Protected by all residents, businesses and visitors sharing in the responsibility of keeping our lakes safe, quiet and sustainable by talking to their neighbours and doing their best to reinforce safety and courtesy.
Bear Safety
What you can do!
Don't invite them back
- Never leave garbage behind. If you must leave before garbage day, or if you do not have curbside collection, take your garbage with you when you go.
- Take it to an approved waste disposal site.
- Fill bird feeders only through the winter months.
- Never purposely feed bears (or other wildlife) or try to approach them.
- Put garbage in containers that have tight fitting lids, and only put it out on garbage day, not the night before.
- Store garbage in a bear-resistant container, secure shed or garage. Do not store garbage in plywood boxes, old freezers or vehicles.
- Do not stockpile garbage. Take it to an approved waste disposal site regularly. n Keep meat scraps in the freezer until garbage day.
- Remove grease and food residue from barbecue grills, including the grease trap, after each use.
- Do not put meat, fish or sweet food (including fruit) in your composter.
- Pick all ripe fruit off trees, and remove vegetables and fallen fruit from the ground.
- Encourage your neighbours to practise Bear Wise habits.
- If you rent your cottage, tell your tenants the importance of being Bear Wise.
- You are responsible for your own personal safety. Take precautions when you are outdoors.